Here at Scoil Mhuire, we are proud of our sporting history and have produced many stars down through the years! Scoil Mhuire participates and has been extremely successful in a variety of sports such as football, soccer, basketball and, more recently, cross-country running. Our teams are coached by our own staff, including Mrs Fiona Fitzgerald, Mr William Joy, Ms Sarah Pigott, Mr Paudie Russell and Ms Orlaith Reidy. At school, we hold lunchtime basketball and soccer leagues where our pupils are divided into mixed teams. These are always hotly contested and thoroughly enjoyed.
Last year, we had great success at the 'Super Sevens' Basketball League in Killarney - we entered four teams and one of our girls' teams won the plate final! Our football and soccer teams participate in many competitions and events. Last year our boys won the Mid-Kerry Football League and they also won the Tadhg O'Sullivan Garda Blitz for primary schools, held in Fitzgerald Stadium, Killarney. In December, our boys' soccer team won the Aura Indoor Soccer Blitz for primary schools in Kerry. All classes at Scoil Mhuire are currently participating in the 'Run Around Europe' challenge, where each class runs every day to achieve an agreed target.
Our visiting teachers, Mr. Mick Sealy, Mrs. Emir Irwin O’Shea and Mrs Clodagh Owens teach our children gymnastics, games, orienteering and dance. Mr Paudie Russell teaches basketball. These coaches have been a wonderful asset to our school. We are also extremely fortunate to have Mr. PJ Reidy visit every fortnight to assist the children with their GAA skills. He is always on the look-out for the next rising star!!!
As well as this, our 3rd-6th classes attend a block of swimming lessons every year. It is wonderful to watch as our pupils grow in confidence and ability in this vitally important skill.
We are very proud of the sporting tradition here at Scoil Mhuire and are always looking for new ways to bring out the various talents of our children!